Home Rules and guidelines

Rules and guidelines for users

By creating a Pricezilla account, you agree to the following rules:

1. Basic rules

1.1. Members are permitted a maximum of one account per person. If you choose to ignore this restriction, all your accounts will be disabled. If you require a temporary user name for any reason, please contact us. If you have forgotten your login details and are unable to retrieve them via the system, do not create a new account, please contact us for assistance.

1.2. This site is only for your personal use. You may not distribute, exchange, modify, sell or transmit anything you copy from this site, including, but not limited to, any text, images, audio and video, for any business, commercial or public purpose.

1.3. You are responsible for any posts originating from your user name account. PriceSpy does not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. Participants are urged to seek professional advice for specific, individual situations and not rely solely on advice or opinions given in the discussions.

1.4. The basic rules are very simple: be polite, do not be offensive or malicious, do not break the law, and do not post any message that even hints at advertising, which includes text messages, images, referral links and more.

1.5. Please be aware that all postings will become public and your text will be available to anyone with an internet connection.

2. Rules for user reviews

2.1. User reviews may only be added by consumers and not by companies, nor by individuals with self-interest in the shop or the product, or by consumers closely linked to such persons. It may not be used to promote your own, or purposely damage someone else’s, business or reputation. Reviews may not contain links, questions, or discussions about other shops or products than the one being reviewed.

2.2. Business representatives may not on their initiative publish information about products and/or services offered by themselves or by their partners. However, it is permissible to answer members’ questions when addressed to a specific business, company or shop.

2.3. To reduce the risk that anything other than own experiences and opinions forms the basis of a review we do not allow reviews submitted in return for promised compensation (money, equipment, discounts, lottery tickets, etc.) or in return for participation in a prize competition or lottery. A review suspected of having been submitted under such conditions is seen as advertising and will be removed. Since we cannot determine why each review is submitted, all reviews submitted or updated during an ongoing campaign, prize competition or lottery, involving reviews on Pricezilla, will be removed.

2.4. By using this service, you agree that you will not use the site to post (or link to) any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, or otherwise violative of any law.

2.5. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by Pricezilla.

2.6. Disclosure of someone's personal data, or invasion of privacy, is strictly forbidden. Examples could include but are not limited to, personal names, private addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, private email addresses, registration numbers of vehicles, ethnicity, health status, political and religious beliefs, sexual orientation, personal finance, occupation, law violations, criminal convictions or arrests, etc.

2.7. If you spam our members in any manner, your account will be inactivated or banned. Do not contact anyone, to suggest your product or service, who is not explicitly expecting you to contact them.

2.8. We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously! We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning.

2.9. Any abuse towards our staff and/or management in any form may result in immediate suspension of your account.

2.10. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We can remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

3. Rules for user reviews on shops

3.1. Shop reviews All grades must be followed by an objective comment motivating the grade. The more negative a review is, the clearer it should be in its motivation. Reviews must reflect the consumer’s own current experience, and be connected to a completed or planned purchase. It can also refer to other actual errands that the shop has committed to handle or perform on behalf of the consumer. Reviews that only or mainly address either general or speculative opinions about the shop’s business, facts that are not connected to one’s errand, as well as recommendations of other named companies or shops are topics for discussion forums and not Pricezilla.

Reviews that are only or mainly published to criticize phenomena following current legislation and practice and that appears on the shop's website (for example terms & conditions, pricing, payment solutions, marketing etc) are also referred to a discussion forum.

It is however allowed, as a part of an otherwise approved review, to convey constructive criticism regarding the above-mentioned phenomena. Note: that this paragraph generally is not concerning so-called instore reviews which are submitted in conjunction with an online purchase where opinions are specifically asked regarding delivery options, payment solutions etc.

3.2. When a consumer claims non-delivery or is waiting for refund, reimbursement or actions in an ongoing support case, the review should normally be updated from time to time until resolved or closed. If we consider it necessary, the review may be hidden and remain hidden until updated.

4. Rules for user reviews on products

4.1. Opinions should be specific and based on facts. They should reflect the consumer's own experiences regarding product functionality, performance, quality, content, etc.

5. Updates to these rules and guidelines

5.1. We reserve the right to modify and amend these rules and guidelines at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to remain informed of current rules and guidelines.